Business, Linguistics, Translation

Record, report, export, read and act!

My time-management problem started, when I started freelancing and it never ended ever since. I find every day something, what completes my puzzle. Yes, time-management for me was a puzzle, which I still haven’t completed yet.

Managing your time starts, like managing a diet. You have no idea, how big a portion should be. You think an adult person really needs 2000 kcal / day (by losing 0 (zero) kcal doing exercises (in most cases of true professionals, who sit straight at the desk for about 8-10 hours per day) and by assuming that the sort of walk to reach your car and buying groceries or take-away Shushie is enough cardio for a day). Then you run a mile and know the difference.

I had no idea, what time could be measured with (a clock, so funny, hahaha). I needed to understand, that all my activities take different amount of time. Thanks to Andrew Morris I started to think about a day, like a container for all my activities, and what I can fit into one of them. I know, I already split my time to get hobbies and free-time back into my life, I am not talking about this. (that already works with setting working hours and whatever happens, sticking to it. Hard enough sometimes, but nobody touches my free-time and my exercise time anymore!)

Now I am in a much further phase, where I need to organize my business and I have no time to do it, because I work all the time. I have various software to manage my business and my time. TO3000 is known. It helps me to set up my projects, to track how many words I translated for what client, in what specialty field, for how much. This is the tool, which helps me to kick a$es. Having over 40 clients, three source languages and four CAT tools more or less regularly I need to know, who to keep, who to welcome and who to let go.

ManicTime manager – also suggested, by another brilliant colleague, Helen – gives me an exact cross-section of what I do, when I am at my pc. Now, what you can see on the image below is breath-taking.


Not, because all the colors are beautiful – also – but, because you can see, how I really spent my time yesterday. And it is completely the truth.

Another breath-taking fact is that I was all day in front of my computer and worked only 2:16 hours with Studio and 5 minutes with memoq. (Yesterday I also had an Excel translation, which was easier to do in Excel so the other 26 minutes count too, but still: I started being at my pc at 8 AM, was here until 6:20 PM and only worked 3 hours. True, I had a free afternoon).

Now, what you can not see, but I include here is that the whole day I only was 7:17 minutes on Facebook and I emailed away 2:04 hours and I was 42:35 minutes on skype. So here it is, I worked only 25% and used google chrome 48% of my time (yes, I use internet based dictionaries and I have a google email account (business, obviously)), but still…can I not do it for less time? Is this, where an administrative help could help? Emailing 2 hours per day?

This is, why I love recording, what I do with every mean, I have. Should this be TO3000, Manic Time, Studio,  or the apps, like MyFitnessPal, Runkeeper, My Library, whatever, because I learnt that data becomes information only after being processed.

Here is the last breath-taking fact for today.

I need to let agencies learn that I will have emailing time and won’t interrupt my day all the time just to confirm and “yes” any question, because they have time in that moment. Not too bad for a free tool, right? Let’s see, how this can be embedded into my new idea: separating two hours – yes, both of them continuously – for my business growth.


5 thoughts on “Record, report, export, read and act!

  1. Nice article. Based on your suggestion I downloaded and installed ManicTime and even after half an hour of use I am sure this tool will be a serious wake-up call and eye-opener for me, somehow forcing me to change my working habits.
    I’m actually very curious as how this will change me.

    Thank you for this invaluable tip!

    • Och, I am happy to know, you used the idea! I will report on what changed after a week and after a month. A very important thing though: you never should kill Manic Time, otherwise it fakes your results 🙂 Have fun, dear!

    • Thank you, Fred, very much appreciated that you took “time” (precious) to reading the article. You are so right, we need to be disciplined, but this is the major point: I need help and above all consciousness about where I need help. Today went on very well, all my todo-list has been done and half day is free. Challenge: keep working on my business even if there is no specific translation. How is your business doing?

  2. Hajnalka! Köszönöm a posztokat, nagyon érdekes és hasznos, amiket mondasz. Örülök, hogy sok munkád van, részben, mert már messze nem vagy kezdő. Én még csak nemrégiben vágtam bele lehetőleg teljes időben, bár évtizedekkel ezelőtt már csináltam. Sajnos, ez most referenciákban már nem segít. De így is hasznos nekem is, amiket írsz.

    Egy pár negatív megjegyzés, ha meg nem sért egy tapasztalt angol-tanár tanácsa azért, hogy javuljon az angolul írott szövegeid nyelvi helyessége (azért is írom ezt, mert amúgy nagyon jó): sprórolj sokkal többet a vesszőkkel (bár az amerikaiban többet használható, mint a britben), ne használd őket “than” előtt, ne használd a “than”-t “then” helyett, és a “neither” után használj inverziót (instead of “Neither there is a translator …”, people write ‘Neither is there a …’) , a “there was nothing, what made me hate technology”-ban nem csak a vessző a hiba, de súlyosan helytelen a “what” is, “that”-et kell használni (máshol is előfordul a gond). Azért mondom mindezt, mert nagyon jó a blogod, érdekes dolgokról és jól írsz, de mivel tanár is vagy, fordító is, és ATA-vizsgára is készülsz, ezeket is jól kellene csinálnod. Mindez persze csak tanács, a jobbítás szándékával és megengedve, hogy mindenki hibázhat.

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